Saturday, November 28, 2009

Science and Nature

There was a programme on the Discovery channel on 28th November, Saturday, called, "Raw Nature."

In that programme, a doctor was making rounds of the jungles of Africa to look for animals who were badly being hurt by all the 'scientific instruments' that the 'wild-life scientists' have installed on the bodies of various animals, but which are harming the animals immensely, are causing them a lot of pain making their life hell, and also endangering their very lives.

In fact, even as a child I used to wonder, if these instruments, like those stiff collars and transmitters that the Western scientists put on those poor creatures did not make their life hell by causing them immense pain. My concerns were established today. And Western science, once again stood convicted.

One of these poor creatures was an endangered kind of lion, the white lion. They'd operated him to fit a transmitter inside, which had started to leak, and was introducing poisionous acid into his system. He was very sick and was dying. They hoped, by taking it out he would recover. The other was an Elephant whose ear was badly cut by the transmitter that was fitted by a belt around her head. It had created a sore wound there.

These were only two of the creatures that we know have suffered. There would be thousands of them, who are living a hellful life because of all the scientific experiments that we're doing on them, in order to 'understand' them better.

The truth is, our understanding of these animals will always remain poor, no matter how much scientific data we can gather about them. And however proud we may be of our brains, and the 'science' that this brain has created, it will never be perfect, there will always be loopholes, like this, which will in the long run, defeat their own purpose.

I still remember, a Discovery channel programme where this scientist was trying to understand elephants, and she commented, the elephants may have emotions, but unless there is 'scientific' proof of this, we can not accept this as a fact. And, I thought, you don't need science to know that animals have emotions. Indians, e.g. already know this and practise this in their day-to-day life.

We don't really need science to understand other creatures. In nature, we were born with this understanding of other life forms on earth. We could instantly relate with them and see them just as being like us. Our instincts gave us a perfect understanding of nature and all the other life forms. Modern human society has robbed humans of this instinct.

In fact, here we have humans, as we have today been made by Western religion and science, who have lost complete touch with their own nature, and need science to tell us things about ourselves. That is how unfortunate the whole things has become. And when you think that its a science which, in any case is so incomplete to really understand much about anything, especially, when its about non-tangible, invisible things like human emotions or sexuality or gender -- you can well understand, what a blunder it can create.

No wonder, that science has become a perfect tool in the hands of the anti-man forces to misrepresent male gender and sexuality in any which way they deem fit.

And, let's come back to the animal issue. Why do we need to know about animals than what is required in order to live with them peacefully on this earth. We need to know about them, because, we have left no room for nature and its beings in the life we have created for ourselves, driving them to such small pockets and endangering their very existence. Now, when out of goodwill, we want to save them, we have to depend upon the science that destroyed nature in the first place to do something about it.

Come to think about it, why do you need to know about humans more that what is necessary? E.g. why would you want to know the 'causes' of so-called 'homosexuality?' Why not just accept nature as it is, and revolve our lives around it. Rather than rejecting what is obviously in the nature, and then trying to reinvent nature and wanting to make it fit into how we would like things to be.

For that matter, why would an entire culture want to reject the existence of differently gendered individuals (the third or more genders) or refuse to acknowledge the existence of gender as a distinct and valid human trait from our outer sex?

Unfortunately, its the West, its culture, its religion and its science -- all heavily influenced by Christianity which has given rise to a widespread cultural mentality that wants to fix nature, rather than accepting it and living it. The ancient humans -- those that they calld 'pagans' did just this. Accepted nature as it is, and just built their life around it. Can we ever get rid of Christianity and other such religions, and all their far reaching ramifications, and go back to a state, where we are reasonably in touch with nature -- both outside and within us.

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